Activity Message

HKCMP Discussion with Certain LegCo Members

HKCMP members had a productive round table discussion with certain LegCo members, fostering dialogue and collaboration on key initiatives.

HKCMP Discussion with Certain LegCo Members

HKCMP Discussion with Certain LegCo Members

HKCMP Discussion with Certain LegCo Members

HKCMP Discussion with Certain LegCo Members

HKCMP Discussion with Certain LegCo Members

HKCMP Discussion with Certain LegCo Members

HKCMP Discussion with Certain LegCo Members

HKCMP's 2024 Cocktail Event

Last night at HKCMP's 2024 Cocktail Event, the vibrant pulse of Hong Kong's capital markets was palpable in the air. Here's to many more such gatherings where we not only share our expertise but also foster the spirit of unity in our relentless pursuit of excellence!

HKCMP's 2024 Cocktail Event